Meet Zoe, our social prescriber


Zoe Richards loves her role as a social prescriber as it combines her skills as a counsellor with the desire to make a difference.

She listens to patients' issues, giving them practical advice or signposting to specialist sources of help.

Zoe has undertaken years of study  and has just qualified as a counsellor. She said: 'Counselling and social prescribing go hand in hand, so the skills I use in one role are really helpful in the other. I have been dealing with bereavement support, housing issues and homelessness, social isolation, anxiety and helping people who are not doing well financially. We also offer carers' support and cancer care reviews as well as signposting for people with mild depression.'

After having an initial consultation each person is given advice, support and follow-up calls. She offers face-to-face consultations at Stamford on Wednesdays and at Hereward on Fridays, so people can have the choice of which consultation they prefer. Home visits are an option for those who are housebound.

Although Zoe has only been in the role for a few months, she has already signed off her first cohort of patients, encouraging them to take small steps on the path to progress.


She said: 'I have really been welcomed to the team by my Primary Care Network colleagues who have all been great. I knew it was going to be a busy role but it has surprised me how much social prescribing is needed. It is being a listening ear for those who are struggling. 

'I love helping people and like to think I am empathetic and down to earth. I take a realistic approach and encourage people to take small steps. It is about really listening to them and trying to understand what they are experiencing. Hundreds of people can be depressed or anxious but each person will have different symptoms so it is about exploring the right solution for them. People appreciate the contact. For example, I might be the only person that an elderly person has spoken to all week. I have had them saying how grateful they are so this role is all about listening, understanding and making a difference where you can.'

Published: Aug 19, 2024